What causes Corrosion to Carbon Steel Pipe?

//What causes Corrosion to Carbon Steel Pipe?

What causes Corrosion to Carbon Steel Pipe?

Do you have rust-proof pipes? They are not, most likely. Carbon steel is a highly used material in production. Additionally, a variety of corrosion can affect carbon steel.

Using this metal in your plumbing system will not likely cause you any concern. Corrosion can be stopped in carbon steel pipes without replacing them entirely. Here are some reasons why this metal is so susceptible to rust and solutions.

What Leads to Corrosion in Carbon Steel Pipes?

In carbon steel, corrosion is accelerated by several circumstances, but the root cause is constant. The major problem with carbon steel is how much iron is in it. As a result, it is a robust, strong, and reliable solution for structures.

Iron, however, has a drawback. When iron is in contact with moisture, oxygen tries to bond with it. Rust, also known as iron oxide, is the end consequence.

Rust doesn’t just stay in one place when it forms. It has a propensity to spread swiftly and destroy metal. This can quickly result in leaks, pressure losses, and ruptures in a piping system.

What Factors Make Carbon Steel More Prone to Corrosion

Corrosion is a natural weakness of carbon steel. However, it won’t always erode at the same rate under different conditions.

The following are some typical causes of carbon steel corrosion:

Galvanic Corrosion

When two metals with different properties come together, an electrochemical process known as galvanic corrosion begins. For instance, if stainless steel and carbon steel are linked, the stainless steel may take electrons away from the carbon steel. It can thus erode your carbon metal.

Pitting Corrosion

Pitting corrosion develops when your steel’s exterior layer develops chips or voids. This kind of wear creates tiny pits where liquids, chemicals, or other corrosive substances can collect. Concentrated corrosion of this kind might be difficult to detect, resulting in leaks or serious structural damage.

Contact with Elements

Corrosion can be accelerated by exposure to moisture, dirt, chemicals, and particularly salty air. In addition, anything that erodes a metal’s surface allows corrosive substances to seep in and damage the metal. Additionally, the damage is done when pipes rub across abrasive surfaces. It facilitates the onset of rusting.

By | 2023-09-23T00:24:59-05:30 August 30th, 2022|pipes blog|0 Comments